Stephen's Homepage

Friends & Family

Well, here's the compulsary links page! Though it is offensively out of date, this probably doesn't matter because I'm sure everyone who cares just looks on Facebook anyway.


Dad has just moved from his position as a lecturer and programmer in the Biology Dept. at Southampton University to a new role as a lecturer in the Computer Science Dept. at Cardiff University. His web page is in need of a bit of an update to reflect this, and his Cardiff staff page doesn't contain very much information. I'm pleased to say Dad runs the right operating system on many of his home computers.
My younger brother, who has just completed a degree at Oxford, where he managed to get the top first in Computer Science.


David Ball
David was one of the few that came to Oxford and still found himself at the top of the class. He now works for Ensoft, writing stuff for Cisco, and is still an active member of OUSGG.
Caroline Berry
My college wife and the girlfriend of my college son (isn't that illegal?). She's also studying Maths & Computing. Or was many eons ago when this was written anyway.
Arthur Bullard
Arthur studied biochemistry at Lincoln, so quite why I know him I'm not sure (I have a vague feeling it's something to do with Richard Owen). Arthur is into computers, and even runs Linux on one of them, though he runs MacOS on far too many. There's no helping some people!
Kerry Bosworth
Kerry is another mathmo in Keble, but (unlike many of the mathmos) she's female - and an exceptionally nice female at that :) (I may have a slightly biased opinion, for some reason, though). Not quite as into computers as many listed here, but she does her best to waste time on IRC and the suchlike. She's a vegan too, which gave her even more cause to complain about Keble Hall than most of us.
Jon Chin
I know that's not his homepage, but it'll save me updating the link when he leaves. He's a physics undergraduate, but going on to do a PhD in London next year (er, that's out of date - he's doing the PhD now) He used to be the Compsoc System Administration Co-ordinator - until I inherited that impressively long title from him.
Matthew Clemson
A little bit mad on Disney and things, maybe, but he's not really that bad. His homepage has lots of useful OxIRC statistics and information, and the quotes page. Why am I encouraging people to go there?!
Tristam Fenton-May
Tristam was one of those that delayed entering the real world by pretending to work for a PhD. He is still at Oxford - since he got the top 1st in Computing they felt they couldn't deny him a PhD place. This does mean he gets to stay in the same city as Angharad, which I think he counts as a plus point.
Angharad Green
Angharad is Tristam's girlfriend^Wfiancée^Wwife. Like him she's Welsh. She spends a lot of time persuading people that they want to buy her things. This hasn't yet got her a VAIO or hot tub, bit she did persuade Tristam to buy her a furby (against his better judgement).
James Hunt
James was in the same Venture Scout Unit as me, one of the few other members to have a website. Erm, and I can't think what else to say about him. Suggestions on a postcard?.
Lucy Kennedy
Lucy joined OxIRC fairly recently (Jan. 2000 for when I forget to update this). She describes herself as a 'geekette' or 'geek in training' despite the fact that she's doing theology. What else can I say? She's lovely and far too tolerant ;).
Ian Lynagh
Ian is my college son, a Debian maintainer and also a member of the Compsoc Sysadmin team. He is now studing for a PhD.
Rebecca Luckraft
Rebecca (Reb) is a fellow Comp. student, but she's studying at Lincoln .. which isn't bad and it's even closer to the center of Oxford than Keble. I'll add that she's cute too, if only to see how long it takes her to email to try to persuade me that she's not. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that she's into indie music.
Richard Owen
Richard is a fellow OUSGGer and also a member of compsoc, although unfortunately he choose to do Engineering at Lincoln College.
Caroline Pearson
Caroline (Neve) is studying maths at Summerville. She is a member of RPGSoc. She met David Woolger not all that long after coming to Oxford and they have been together ever since, until they weren't. She's now not going out with Ben.
Kate Pugh
Kate (or Kake as she prefers to be known) studied maths, but now works for in the University Offices - which gives you an idea of how old she is :). She's also a vegan, and her homepage is a treasure trove of vegan recipes and related information. If you like that sort of thing.
Mike Ricketts
Mike spends nearly all his time playing with and patching the Linux Kernel. He maintains that he's improving it, but judging by the stability of his computer, Oakley, I'd been inclined to disagree. He used to work for somebody I don't think I'm suppose to mention, but has now got a job at IBM Hursley. He also got loads of email that my poor little 486, Marvin, had to deal with. He is also a member of compsoc and for some reason he was made a sysadmin.
David Sheldon
David started his life in Oxford by making two mistakes - he chose to read maths and he chose to do it at St. Johns College. However despite this he's not a bad guy (really) and he has rectified the first mistake by changing to Computing.
Ganesh Sittampalam
One of those sickingly intelligent people .. and Ganesh is one of the few to have made it into the Guiness Book of Records for it (see excerpt here). Despite being so intelligent he worked for Micro$oft to help pay for his DPhil.
Althea Solomon
Anyone who knows me also knows that Althea is someone I couldn't possibly miss off this list despite the fact that she doesn't have a website to link to
This page is definately 'work in progress'! domain owned an run by some of my friends.

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